Feb 22, 2011

Mr AUGUSTE, 3 months...


adriana said...

Is it wrong that I think he's the most beautiful baby in the world?
- Maman

Arnaud Boudoiron said...

Yes Luv, he is!
- Papa

bruno said...

"Whouaaa mon papa y dessine trop bien !! la class !"

Anonymous said...

What a lovely baby :-)


Michel (Netherlands)

Arnaud Boudoiron said...

Thank you Michel ^^

Cristian Pacurariu said...

J'espere que il apprend deja a dessiner:))

Arnaud Boudoiron said...

Il adore regarder des images (bon ok, ça, c'est déjà le truc chez tous les bébés...) ^^